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Why are the mass murderers of Tucson, Fort Hood, Aurora, etc., still alive today and enjoying their ill-gotten fame and free publicity while costing us millions of dollars?
I appreciate that our judicial system is slow and ponderous ? to make sure that no innocent is convicted. This is right. But in cases where the suspects are caught in the process and on the scene of their crime, what is there to prove? Their guilt is self-evident.
A summary court judgment the next day followed by a hanging the next day would discourage many who just seek the fame and publicity.
The events of Colorado make it clear that assault weapons must be banned on a federal level. These weapons have no place in a civilized society.
Regarding ?Bishops confused? (July 21 Letters to the Editor): Catholic objections about the Affordable Care Act regarding religious liberty remain considerably more straightforward and legitimate than the letter writer recognized.
Catholic hospitals certainly are religious institutions, operating as part of the church?s vast network of organizations dedicated to fulfilling the Corporal Works of Mercy. These hospitals, along with other charities, exist specifically to observe Christ?s own mandate to aid ?the least among you.? With this in mind, such organizations don?t qualify as ?secular activities.? Regarding secular employees? rights, no one possesses the right to free products for personal use, forcibly paid for by others against their conscience.
The writer?s second argument is irrelevant. Individuals who are dependent on birth control will encounter organizations that exist primarily to give away free or nearly free birth control. These individuals don?t require the church?s assistance to obtain contraceptives. The church professes that artificial contraception is never morally permissible. Reading the Catechism and papal encyclicals about contraception, such as Humanae Vitae, clearly reveals why.
Church doctrine results from the compilation of Christ?s teachings and natural law, not public opinion. The popularity of something never governs its moral acceptability.
Bel Aire
As a ?boots-on-the-ground Catholic,? I wish to add to the excellent letter ?Bishops confused? (July 21 Letters to the Editor): The bishops do not speak for us laity. Millions of us believe that contraception is a moral decision that should be made by individuals in accordance with our consciences.
Primacy of Conscience, defined by Vatican II, empowers the laity and demands we follow our consciences ? right or wrong. Vatican II shifted hierarchical power and control from the hierarchy to the laity. Those in the hierarchy haven?t recovered.
Our bishops? insistence on eliminating access to contraception does not reflect the views of millions of U.S. Catholics. Furthermore, the bishops are well aware that for most Catholics, contraception is off the ?intrinsic evil? litany of sins. Tubal ligations as well as vasectomies are on the increase.
We are compelled by our tradition to work toward justice and equality and to create a society in which women and men are treated with the same dignity and respect and all are granted the same opportunity. We must continue to trust women and men to make decisions that are best for them and their families. If you want to know what Catholics think about contraception, ask us ? not the bishops.
I had the pleasure of working with Jeff Longwell when he served on the Maize school board. Longwell was a wonderful advocate for children, and one of his many strengths was his willingness to listen to many viewpoints and work toward common goals to achieve them.
I have watched his dedication and work for the past several years on the Wichita City Council and was pleased with his resolve to find consensus on many difficult issues. He is now running for a seat on the Sedgwick County Commission, and I would ask for your vote for Longwell in the upcoming election.
Dedicated, a consensus builder and a wonderful family man, Longwell would be an exceptional addition to the County Commission. A vote for Jeff Longwell would be a positive move toward a better future for Sedgwick County.
As a Sedgwick County commissioner, Karl Peterjohn has worked to keep taxes low for all businesses and citizens, while his opponent voted to give special tax breaks to the well-connected. Peterjohn has worked to maintain local control of the Sedgwick County planning process, while his opponent approved a federal planning grant. Peterjohn knows that cronyism and big-government planning schemes are the problem, not the solution.
We deserve leaders with a plan to create jobs. Rep. Jim Ward, D-Wichita, is one of these leaders.
Ward understands that an educated workforce is the cornerstone to a strong economy. He led the fight to restore millions of dollars in funding to our local schools in the past legislative session. He also was part of a group of legislators who drafted a new law improving technical education and job training in Kansas.
Ward knows that huge tax cuts for the wealthy will result in higher property taxes and more cuts to our schools. We all should know that this is an economic disaster. I am voting for Jim Ward for my state representative in the new District 86.
Rep. Jim Ward, D-Wichita, sent a campaign message that claimed, ?I am the state representative for the new 86th? District.
That statement is not true. Rep. Judith Loganbill, D-Wichita, is the representative for the current District 86. Ward is the representative for the current District 88. Both of them are competing in the Aug. 7 primary to represent the new District 86.
Most of the current District 86 is included in the new District 86. Loganbill has a far stronger claim than Ward to represent that district.
As an attorney for many years, I knew J. Patrick Walters when he practiced law. He was an excellent attorney. He is now a Sedgwick County District Court judge, and during his term he has been dedicated to making the right decisions in every case set before him, based on justice and the law of the case.
Walters deserves your votes. Returning him to the bench is in the best public interest. He certainly has my vote.
Our elected officials need to understand what ethical rules they are obligated to follow. Michael O?Donnell has a track record of failures to abide by the law as a candidate and as an elected official.
He was forced off the ballot for the Wichita City Council in March 2007 when he was found to not be living in the place he claimed as his residence. After he was elected to the council in 2011, he was caught sending improper fundraising e-mails for a state senator from his official computer. In March 2012, the state ethics commission thought this was a serious enough violation to fine O?Donnell $500. O?Donnell initially claimed that his violation and the ensuing charges were a ?silly mistake? and a ?political hit job.?
It may be that O?Donnell really didn?t understand that he shouldn?t have sent those e-mails or claimed he lived in one place when he slept in another. But we don?t need someone in the state Senate who can?t run for or serve on the City Council without ethics violations.
Dave Dahl and I first met when we both coached youth sports. We developed a friendship because of our beliefs about the importance of young people and because our values are so similar.
Dahl then started doing legal work for Don Klausmeyer Construction Co., and we have always been very pleased with his advice, demeanor, work ethic and results. Although I would hate to lose him as our attorney, we would all benefit from having him serve as one of our judges.
As a friend and concerned citizen, I highly recommend that you vote for Dave Dahl for Sedgwick County District Court judge.
I knew Marc Bennett and several of his family members when he was still in law school. Since his whole family is full of excellent people, I guessed that Bennett would make an excellent attorney. I was right.
I have seen him in action a few times. He is highly intelligent, skilled and ethical. Elect him. You will be glad you did.
There are two candidates who esspecially deserve our votes in the Aug. 7 primary because of their exceptional experience and records of public service.
They are state Rep. John Grange, R-El Dorado, and Butler County Clerk Ron Roberts.
Grange, a candidate for the state Senate, served his country for nine years in the U.S. Army, including in combat in Vietnam. He is a successful business owner who understands the need in Kansas for jobs in both industry and agriculture, and what it takes to get them. His elections to four terms in the House, to the El Dorado school board, as a trustee of Butler Community College, and selection as a leader and officer in civic and church activities attest to his ability.
The Republican Party would do well to keep Grange in public service as a member of the Senate.
Roberts served four years as a Butler County commissioner and is in his third term as clerk. The clerk?s position requires knowledge and a dedicated work ethic that Roberts provides. Butler County voters would do well to keep his experience and capabilities working for them.
El Dorado
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July 28, 2012 Atul Mishra Uncategorized,
If you?re going to be a sissy about the rainfall, you?re losing out on a whole other amazing side of India
When it?s here we are at summer time season monsoon in India, visitors vacant out. That?s time to get in.
India during summer time season stormy period between May and Sept seems like a whole other place.
After months of hot, wet air from the Indian Sea ruining across the country, building extreme conditions, individuals get annoying and tired in the oppressive heat. They can?t wait for the air to open for the downpours.
When the monsoon finally comes, it is a welcome and huge vision.
If you are near the sea, you can watch the monsoon approach over the water.
First, a intense wind strikes up. The sky and the sea turn different colors of blue and grayish. Atmosphere throws quickly across the air. An expecting shushes drops.
Then the weather jolts. People can be seen moving on the roads, looks turned towards the sky, hands outstretched, enacting their own personal Bollywood rainfall landscape.
The monsoon in India is considered to detoxify the earth and its individuals. It is also key to India?s farming economic climate, enhancing the growth of plants and driving stock markets.
Apart from reducing conditions, the monsoon also decreases room rates for visitors, turning India into a great off-season location.
You?ve just got to withstand getting a tiny bit wet.
Weather out impurities
Ayurveda professionals say the monsoon in Indian is the best time for therapies. Rain helps in providing stability returning to our bodies.
Monsoon therapy is the fastest-growing section in wellness travel and leisure, particularly in Kerala, the property of ayurveda. Herbs and healing vegetation blossom during the monsoon period.
Opt for a common rub or go all out and get the Panchkarma (a extremely customized treatment) or Sukha Chikitsa (an complex period over several times that cleansing and reactivates exhausted cells).
Check out Vaidyaratnam P. S. Varier?s Arya Vaidya Sala, Kerala. One of the most ancient and most well known, this is a no-frills position for fans who take ayurvedic therapies very seriously.
If you want some little luxuries while cleansing, try Uday Samudra Seaside Hotel Kovalam, Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. Or incorporate ayurveda therapies with yoga exercises by the pool escape, Somatheeram Ayurveda Hotel, Kovalam.
Ayurveda professionals say the monsoon in Indian is the best time for therapies. Rain helps in providing stability returning to our bodies.
Monsoon therapy is the fastest-growing section in wellness travel and leisure, particularly in Kerala, the property of ayurveda. Herbs and healing vegetation blossom during the monsoon period.
Opt for a common rub or go all out and get the Panchkarma (a extremely customized treatment) or Sukha Chikitsa (an complex period over several times that cleansing and reactivates exhausted cells).
Check out Vaidyaratnam P. S. Varier?s Arya Vaidya Sala, Kerala. One of the most ancient and most well known, this is a no-frills position for fans who take ayurvedic therapies very seriously.
If you want some little luxuries while cleansing, try Uday Samudra Seaside Hotel Kovalam, Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. Or incorporate ayurveda therapies with yoga exercises by the pool escape, Somatheeram Ayurveda Hotel, Kovalam.
Day fog protects Darjeeling in a wonderful errors and gives it a strange excellent. Take a tea-tasting trip and encounter how herbal tea change from mountain to mountain. The best properties to examine into are the Glenburn Tea Property & Store Resort, Makaibari Tea Estates or Zurrantee.
There?s a wonderful high tea position known as Glenary?s Bakery & Coffee shop, an stylish eating position that?s great for a chew and a cuppa.
A trip with the Darjeeling Record Walking will get you easily familiar with Darjeeling?s history, lifestyle, meals and people.?
A less noisy Goa
The open marketplaces and throngs of people are gone. Goa in the monsoon means affordable costs, long trips on motorcycles with the chance of getting unhealthy, melon lilac florida sunsets, unpopulated seashores and lots of celebrations.
Young men in laurel capped teeth leap into water wells during the Food of St. Bob (the S?o Jo?o festival) in May. It enjoys the appearance of the monsoon in Indian and stuffing of water wells in Goa.
During the Food of St. Chris, Goa?s sport fishing group constructs make shift levels from vessels linked together to type rafts. Small designs of chapels are constructed on these sailing systems. Tiatrs (local theater), person?s dances and songs are also conducted on these water levels.
Divar Isle maintains the popular Bonderam Event on it all Weekend of Aug when residents reproduce past arguments between areas of the town ? much like the Montagues and Capulets ? in good spontaneity.
Held on Aug 10 all over Goa, the Food of St. Lawrence represents the end of the monsoon and the reopening of sandbars to stream traffic in the Mandovi.
As for Goa?s well known seafood, unfortunately sport fishing vessels for sale cannot go out during the monsoon. Regional dining places buy seafood in enhance, sun-dry them and shop in air-tight cans with apple results in. Choose any coffee shop and draw in with a book, a cup of feni (a soul made from coconuts or cashew apples), some molho (pickled seafood) and dry seafood.
Romancing the down pours in Mumbai
One vacationer?s rainwater is another person?s magic ? Mumbai?s monsoon travel and leisure is enhanced by guests from the Arabian Peninsula who evade their dry houses to amazing at India?s hefty downpours.?
Sure, the town usually gets bombarded twice during the down pours, but Mumbaikars and their Arabic guests don?t let a monsoon get in the way of their celebration.
The whole town becomes a wet play area. Individuals yield to monsoon mania and head to beach promenades to look at the gigantic 10-meter-high surf rush over the sea surfaces, drenching them.
A more consisting way have fun with Mumbai in the rainfall is to sketch motivation from Bollywood. The movies have catch the relationship of the monsoon in Indian so well that it has become the legendary picture of rainfall for the nation.
Take protect under a big dark offset umbrella like Raj Kapoor and Nargis in ?Shri 420? and move down the promenades of Sea Generate or Worli Seaface. Consume mugs of hot chai, cook groundnuts or cook corn-on-the-cob slicked with calcium from curbside providers.
Go stylish and have a idle mid-day at Taj Mahal?s Sea Living room with a higher tea. It?s the best position to look at a rain-lashed Arabian Sea and attached vessels in the Entrance of Indian harbour ? as well as to look at great community.
A elegant monsoon showcase
That India?s vips was affected by the monsoon is obvious from the many unique castles they designed to emphasize the elegance of the elements.
Walk in the actions of vips at the Taj Pond Building in Udaipur, Rajasthan. You might identify it from the Wayne Connection film ?Octopussy.? Internal the Seventeenth millennium, it is now a much-awarded resort. During the monsoon in Indian, unique special offers mean areas go for nearly half the regular rate.
But the best position for the down pours is the hilltop ft of Mandu in Madhya Pradesh. Located high on the mountains of Vindhya, Mandu has many pavilions for viewing the down pours drop over mountains.
Mughal emperor Jahangir was an admirer: ?I know of no other position that is so enjoyable in environment and with such eye-catching landscapes as Mandu in rain.?
The prepared town is filled with plenty of systems of water that complete up in the down pours and indicate the typical historical typical monuments. It was the ideal establishing for the ruined fans Sultan Baz Bahadur, a Sixteenth millennium poet-prince, and Roopmati, a musician.
The relationship led to disaster when Mughals taken Mandu and propagate a gossip of Bahadur?s loss of life on the battleground. Roopmati dedicated destruction after listening to the information.
Locals say you can listen to her musical speech sailing over the ponds around Roopmati Pavilion.
Remain in a shrub home
Get nearer to the rainfall atmosphere by ascending up to a shrub home.
Perched above a forest cover, 30 measures from the earth, is Vythiri Hotel in Wayanad.Mornings are invested bird-watching at the shrub homes. The jungle?s most unique inhabitant is the Wayanad giggling yeast infection with its mirth-filled call.For the relax of the day, hiking with a naturalist information through the forest is the thing to do here and hikes are on the home.In September, Wayanad?s travel and leisure division maintains Rush 2012, a monsoon circus, at Kalpetta. Features consist of local activities like vadamvali (tug-of-war), kabaddi (a group game similar to ?tag?), archery, slowly pattern competitions, crab trips, ascending, long haul marathons, trip and mud baseball.
People from france, even in the monsoon
Formerly a Individuals from france northeastern outpost, Puducherry (previously Pondicherry) is St. Tropez-meets-India and it comes finish with sporadic bathrooms.
?During the monsoon, the rainfall here is not constant. You can get the sun often. Start the day by the sea with croissant and java at Le Eating place. Take a boat journey to Haven Beach; check out Auroville with its inhabitants of 50,000 people from around 45 countries; seek the services of a motorcycle from the Recreation area Visitor Home and discover.
The speed in Puducherry is more Individuals from france Riviera than big town. The meals is a bit Creole-influenced. The consume is vin vermeil.
Home to Hotel
July 28, 2012 Atul Mishra Uncategorized,
If you?re going to be a sissy about the rainfall, you?re losing out on a whole other amazing side of India
When it?s here we are at summer time season monsoon in India, visitors vacant out. That?s time to get in.
India during summer time season stormy period between May and Sept seems like a whole other place.
After months of hot, wet air from the Indian Sea ruining across the country, building extreme conditions, individuals get annoying and tired in the oppressive heat. They can?t wait for the air to open for the downpours.
When the monsoon finally comes, it is a welcome and huge vision.
If you are near the sea, you can watch the monsoon approach over the water.
First, a intense wind strikes up. The sky and the sea turn different colors of blue and grayish. Atmosphere throws quickly across the air. An expecting shushes drops.
Then the weather jolts. People can be seen moving on the roads, looks turned towards the sky, hands outstretched, enacting their own personal Bollywood rainfall landscape.
The monsoon in India is considered to detoxify the earth and its individuals. It is also key to India?s farming economic climate, enhancing the growth of plants and driving stock markets.
Apart from reducing conditions, the monsoon also decreases room rates for visitors, turning India into a great off-season location.
You?ve just got to withstand getting a tiny bit wet.
Weather out impurities
Ayurveda professionals say the monsoon in Indian is the best time for therapies. Rain helps in providing stability returning to our bodies.
Monsoon therapy is the fastest-growing section in wellness travel and leisure, particularly in Kerala, the property of ayurveda. Herbs and healing vegetation blossom during the monsoon period.
Opt for a common rub or go all out and get the Panchkarma (a extremely customized treatment) or Sukha Chikitsa (an complex period over several times that cleansing and reactivates exhausted cells).
Check out Vaidyaratnam P. S. Varier?s Arya Vaidya Sala, Kerala. One of the most ancient and most well known, this is a no-frills position for fans who take ayurvedic therapies very seriously.
If you want some little luxuries while cleansing, try Uday Samudra Seaside Hotel Kovalam, Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. Or incorporate ayurveda therapies with yoga exercises by the pool escape, Somatheeram Ayurveda Hotel, Kovalam.
Ayurveda professionals say the monsoon in Indian is the best time for therapies. Rain helps in providing stability returning to our bodies.
Monsoon therapy is the fastest-growing section in wellness travel and leisure, particularly in Kerala, the property of ayurveda. Herbs and healing vegetation blossom during the monsoon period.
Opt for a common rub or go all out and get the Panchkarma (a extremely customized treatment) or Sukha Chikitsa (an complex period over several times that cleansing and reactivates exhausted cells).
Check out Vaidyaratnam P. S. Varier?s Arya Vaidya Sala, Kerala. One of the most ancient and most well known, this is a no-frills position for fans who take ayurvedic therapies very seriously.
If you want some little luxuries while cleansing, try Uday Samudra Seaside Hotel Kovalam, Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala. Or incorporate ayurveda therapies with yoga exercises by the pool escape, Somatheeram Ayurveda Hotel, Kovalam.
Day fog protects Darjeeling in a wonderful errors and gives it a strange excellent. Take a tea-tasting trip and encounter how herbal tea change from mountain to mountain. The best properties to examine into are the Glenburn Tea Property & Store Resort, Makaibari Tea Estates or Zurrantee.
There?s a wonderful high tea position known as Glenary?s Bakery & Coffee shop, an stylish eating position that?s great for a chew and a cuppa.
A trip with the Darjeeling Record Walking will get you easily familiar with Darjeeling?s history, lifestyle, meals and people.?
A less noisy Goa
The open marketplaces and throngs of people are gone. Goa in the monsoon means affordable costs, long trips on motorcycles with the chance of getting unhealthy, melon lilac florida sunsets, unpopulated seashores and lots of celebrations.
Young men in laurel capped teeth leap into water wells during the Food of St. Bob (the S?o Jo?o festival) in May. It enjoys the appearance of the monsoon in Indian and stuffing of water wells in Goa.
During the Food of St. Chris, Goa?s sport fishing group constructs make shift levels from vessels linked together to type rafts. Small designs of chapels are constructed on these sailing systems. Tiatrs (local theater), person?s dances and songs are also conducted on these water levels.
Divar Isle maintains the popular Bonderam Event on it all Weekend of Aug when residents reproduce past arguments between areas of the town ? much like the Montagues and Capulets ? in good spontaneity.
Held on Aug 10 all over Goa, the Food of St. Lawrence represents the end of the monsoon and the reopening of sandbars to stream traffic in the Mandovi.
As for Goa?s well known seafood, unfortunately sport fishing vessels for sale cannot go out during the monsoon. Regional dining places buy seafood in enhance, sun-dry them and shop in air-tight cans with apple results in. Choose any coffee shop and draw in with a book, a cup of feni (a soul made from coconuts or cashew apples), some molho (pickled seafood) and dry seafood.
Romancing the down pours in Mumbai
One vacationer?s rainwater is another person?s magic ? Mumbai?s monsoon travel and leisure is enhanced by guests from the Arabian Peninsula who evade their dry houses to amazing at India?s hefty downpours.?
Sure, the town usually gets bombarded twice during the down pours, but Mumbaikars and their Arabic guests don?t let a monsoon get in the way of their celebration.
The whole town becomes a wet play area. Individuals yield to monsoon mania and head to beach promenades to look at the gigantic 10-meter-high surf rush over the sea surfaces, drenching them.
A more consisting way have fun with Mumbai in the rainfall is to sketch motivation from Bollywood. The movies have catch the relationship of the monsoon in Indian so well that it has become the legendary picture of rainfall for the nation.
Take protect under a big dark offset umbrella like Raj Kapoor and Nargis in ?Shri 420? and move down the promenades of Sea Generate or Worli Seaface. Consume mugs of hot chai, cook groundnuts or cook corn-on-the-cob slicked with calcium from curbside providers.
Go stylish and have a idle mid-day at Taj Mahal?s Sea Living room with a higher tea. It?s the best position to look at a rain-lashed Arabian Sea and attached vessels in the Entrance of Indian harbour ? as well as to look at great community.
A elegant monsoon showcase
That India?s vips was affected by the monsoon is obvious from the many unique castles they designed to emphasize the elegance of the elements.
Walk in the actions of vips at the Taj Pond Building in Udaipur, Rajasthan. You might identify it from the Wayne Connection film ?Octopussy.? Internal the Seventeenth millennium, it is now a much-awarded resort. During the monsoon in Indian, unique special offers mean areas go for nearly half the regular rate.
But the best position for the down pours is the hilltop ft of Mandu in Madhya Pradesh. Located high on the mountains of Vindhya, Mandu has many pavilions for viewing the down pours drop over mountains.
Mughal emperor Jahangir was an admirer: ?I know of no other position that is so enjoyable in environment and with such eye-catching landscapes as Mandu in rain.?
The prepared town is filled with plenty of systems of water that complete up in the down pours and indicate the typical historical typical monuments. It was the ideal establishing for the ruined fans Sultan Baz Bahadur, a Sixteenth millennium poet-prince, and Roopmati, a musician.
The relationship led to disaster when Mughals taken Mandu and propagate a gossip of Bahadur?s loss of life on the battleground. Roopmati dedicated destruction after listening to the information.
Locals say you can listen to her musical speech sailing over the ponds around Roopmati Pavilion.
Remain in a shrub home
Get nearer to the rainfall atmosphere by ascending up to a shrub home.
Perched above a forest cover, 30 measures from the earth, is Vythiri Hotel in Wayanad.Mornings are invested bird-watching at the shrub homes. The jungle?s most unique inhabitant is the Wayanad giggling yeast infection with its mirth-filled call.For the relax of the day, hiking with a naturalist information through the forest is the thing to do here and hikes are on the home.In September, Wayanad?s travel and leisure division maintains Rush 2012, a monsoon circus, at Kalpetta. Features consist of local activities like vadamvali (tug-of-war), kabaddi (a group game similar to ?tag?), archery, slowly pattern competitions, crab trips, ascending, long haul marathons, trip and mud baseball.
People from france, even in the monsoon
Formerly a Individuals from france northeastern outpost, Puducherry (previously Pondicherry) is St. Tropez-meets-India and it comes finish with sporadic bathrooms.
?During the monsoon, the rainfall here is not constant. You can get the sun often. Start the day by the sea with croissant and java at Le Eating place. Take a boat journey to Haven Beach; check out Auroville with its inhabitants of 50,000 people from around 45 countries; seek the services of a motorcycle from the Recreation area Visitor Home and discover.
The speed in Puducherry is more Individuals from france Riviera than big town. The meals is a bit Creole-influenced. The consume is vin vermeil.
Home to Hotel
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Every war has its demons. The chaos of bullets and bombs gives rise to a certain breed of men who join the fight for the thrill of killing. In Syria these monsters who are the enforcers for President Bashar Assad?s regime are called the ?shabiha." If Assad's regime falls they could face retribution. NBC's Richard Engel reports from Northern Syria.
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Contact: Fabian Schneider
University of Bonn
An international team of researchers from the USA and Europe including from the University of Bonn under the direction of Dr. Hugues Sana (University of Amsterdam) has discovered that the most massive stars in the universe don't spend their lives in space as singles as was previously thought. More than two-thirds orbit a partner star. "The orbit paths of the stars are very close together so that the region around these stars is turbulent and by far not as calm as previously thought," says Professor Norbert Langer from the University of Bonn. What happens is that one star can suck the material out of its companion like a vampire or both stars can melt to become an even larger massive star. This is revealed in a current study on the lives of massive stars, a study which Dr. Norbert Langer, Prof. Dr. Robert Izzard and Fabian Schneider worked on together with three other scientists from the Argelander Institute for Astronomy at the University of Bonn.
Ten years of observations using one of the world's largest telescopes
Astronomers evaluated more than ten years' worth of observations using one of the world's largest telescopes, the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile's Atacama Desert. "The spectacular new research findings could only have been gathered based on one of the most extensive observation campaigns in this area," says Professor Robert Izzard. A total of 71 massive stars in six young galactic star clusters were observed for years. Through close-knit monitoring, researchers were able to determine the paths of over three-quarters of the double stars discovered which led to unique precision. "The current study reveals that the fast majority of all massive stars spend their lives with a partner," states Fabian Schneider, the third scientist based in Bonn. Over time, roughly one-third of the star systems melts with their companion, while the other two-thirds transfer material to its partner.
Gigantic explosions at the end of star's life
Massive stars, also called spectral class O stars because of their characteristics are the brightest and the most short-lived stars in the universe. In the beginning they are more than 15 times as massive as our Sun. The end of their life is marked by spectacular supernova explosions or gamma ray bursts. They account for a large part of all the heavy elements in the universe. "The new insight into the lives of massive stars has a direct impact on the understanding of the final stages most massive stars experience," says Professor Langer. The gigantic explosions at the end of a star's life can be observed from almost all corners of the universe. This underscores the importance of the new findings which have now been published
Publication: H. Sana et al., Science, July 27, 2012 (DOI 10.1126/science.1223344)
Argelander Institute for Astronomy at the University of Bonn
Prof. Dr. Norbert Langer
Tel.: 0228/73-3656 or 73-3655
Prof. Dr. Robert Izzard
Tel.: 0228/73-1773
Fabian Schneider
Tel.: 0228/73-3391
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Fabian Schneider
University of Bonn
An international team of researchers from the USA and Europe including from the University of Bonn under the direction of Dr. Hugues Sana (University of Amsterdam) has discovered that the most massive stars in the universe don't spend their lives in space as singles as was previously thought. More than two-thirds orbit a partner star. "The orbit paths of the stars are very close together so that the region around these stars is turbulent and by far not as calm as previously thought," says Professor Norbert Langer from the University of Bonn. What happens is that one star can suck the material out of its companion like a vampire or both stars can melt to become an even larger massive star. This is revealed in a current study on the lives of massive stars, a study which Dr. Norbert Langer, Prof. Dr. Robert Izzard and Fabian Schneider worked on together with three other scientists from the Argelander Institute for Astronomy at the University of Bonn.
Ten years of observations using one of the world's largest telescopes
Astronomers evaluated more than ten years' worth of observations using one of the world's largest telescopes, the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile's Atacama Desert. "The spectacular new research findings could only have been gathered based on one of the most extensive observation campaigns in this area," says Professor Robert Izzard. A total of 71 massive stars in six young galactic star clusters were observed for years. Through close-knit monitoring, researchers were able to determine the paths of over three-quarters of the double stars discovered which led to unique precision. "The current study reveals that the fast majority of all massive stars spend their lives with a partner," states Fabian Schneider, the third scientist based in Bonn. Over time, roughly one-third of the star systems melts with their companion, while the other two-thirds transfer material to its partner.
Gigantic explosions at the end of star's life
Massive stars, also called spectral class O stars because of their characteristics are the brightest and the most short-lived stars in the universe. In the beginning they are more than 15 times as massive as our Sun. The end of their life is marked by spectacular supernova explosions or gamma ray bursts. They account for a large part of all the heavy elements in the universe. "The new insight into the lives of massive stars has a direct impact on the understanding of the final stages most massive stars experience," says Professor Langer. The gigantic explosions at the end of a star's life can be observed from almost all corners of the universe. This underscores the importance of the new findings which have now been published
Publication: H. Sana et al., Science, July 27, 2012 (DOI 10.1126/science.1223344)
Argelander Institute for Astronomy at the University of Bonn
Prof. Dr. Norbert Langer
Tel.: 0228/73-3656 or 73-3655
Prof. Dr. Robert Izzard
Tel.: 0228/73-1773
Fabian Schneider
Tel.: 0228/73-3391
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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Posted by admin on Jul 27, 2012 in Latest News | Comments Off
For the first time ever, organizations from across the globe joined together to call for ?a global ban on the mining, use, and export of all forms of asbestos.? A committee of scientists from 13 epidemiology societies issued the statement this week after confirming ?that all types of asbestos fiber are causally implicated in the development of various diseases and premature death.? The group specifically cited mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis as debilitating diseases caused by exposure to the toxic mineral.
The Joint Policy Committee of the Societies of Epidemiology, that announced the ban, was joined by over 150 public health, civil society organizations and individual scientists from twenty countries who endorsed the ban, according to the statement.? Asbestos is a known carcinogen that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been issuing warnings about for years.? In fact, the EPA recently reported that there is no safe level of exposure of asbestos.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), asbestos causes approximately half of all deaths from occupational cancer with 125 million people worldwide exposed to asbestos in the workplace. In addition, WHO reports more than 107,000 people die each year from asbestos-related lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis resulting from occupational exposure.
?Continued use of asbestos will lead to a public health disaster of asbestos-related illness and premature death for decades to come, repeating the epidemic we are witnessing today in industrialised countries that used asbestos in the past,? stated Dr. Stanley Weiss, chair of the Joint Policy Committee of the Societies of Epidemiology (JPC-SE), which released the statement.
The Joint Policy Committee coordinates policy actions among 13 U.S., Canadian and international epidemiology societies. The group?s 25-page statement details the latest scientific evidence about asbestos and expressed ?grave concern? that the governments of Brazil, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Vietnam are putting their own citizens and others in peril by allowing asbestos mining.
The authors noted that the use of asbestos is increasing in low-to-middle income countries, and that there is little awareness in these countries of the risk that asbestos poses to health.? They further note that asbestos safety regulations are weak to non-existent, putting workers and residents in danger of asbestos-related diseases.
Pleural mesothelioma, a rare, aggressive form of lung cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, is one of the most difficult cancers to treat and is diagnosed in close to 3,000 Americans each year. The cancer has an extended latency period and often takes decades after asbestos exposure for a person to be diagnosed with the deadly disease.
Label: Asbestos
Article source:
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??Washington: NASA Scientists and Engineers Receive Presidential Early Career Awards
President Obama has named six NASA individuals as recipients of the 2011 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). The NASA recipients and 90 other federal researchers will receive their awards in a ceremony later this month in Washington.The PECASE awards represent the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on scientists and engineers beginning their independent careers. They recognize recipients' exceptional potential for leadership at the frontiers of scientific knowledge, and their commitment to community service as demonstrated through professional leadership, education or community outreach.
"These talented individuals have already made significant contributions to the agency's mission at this early stage in their careers," said NASA Chief Scientist Waleed Abdalati. "We look forward to celebrating their continued success for many years to come."
The 2011 NASA recipients were nominated by the agency's Science Mission Directorate, Office of the Chief Engineer, and Office of the Chief Technologist:
- Morgan B. Abney, NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala ., recognized for innovative technical leadership in advancing technologies for recovering oxygen from carbon dioxide for self-sustaining human space exploration.
- Ian Gauld Clark, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif ., recognized for exceptional leadership and achievement in the pursuit of advanced entry, descent and landing technologies and techniques for space exploration missions.
- Temilola Fatoyinbo-Agueh, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md ., recognized for exceptional achievement in merging scientific priorities with advanced technology to develop innovative remote-sensing instrumentation for carbon-cycle and ecosystems science.
- Jessica E. Koehne, NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif ., recognized for exceptional dedication to the development of nano-bio sensing systems for NASA mission needs.
- Francis M. McCubbin, Institute of Meteoritics, University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, N.M ., recognized for studies of the geochemical role of water and other volatiles in extraterrestrial materials from the inner solar system.
- Yuri Y. Shprits, University of California, Los Angeles, recognized for early-career leadership and innovative research and modeling in the realm of the Earth's Van Allen radiation belts.
The PECASE awards were created to foster innovative developments in science and technology, increase awareness of careers in science and engineering, give recognition to the scientific missions of participating agencies, enhance connections between fundamental research and many of the grand challenges facing the nation, and highlight the importance of science and technology for America's future. Eleven federal departments and agencies nominated scientists and engineers for the 2011 PECASE awards. For a complete list of 2011 award winners, visit:
For information about NASA and agency programs, visit:
Reported by: NASA
Published on: 2012-07-23
Limited copyright is granted for you to use and/or republish any story on this site for any legitimate media purpose as long as you reference 7thSpace and any source mentioned in the story above. Please make sure to read our disclaimer prior to contacting 7thSpace Interactive. To contact our editors, visit our online helpdesk. If you wish submit your own press release, click here.aaron carter black history month did groundhog see his shadow soul train don cornelius rod parsley barry sanders jr nick carter sister
The controlled detonation of Colorado Shooting suspect James Holmes' apartment on Saturday was successful.
Someone yelled "fire in the hole" a few times and then a fire engine horn honked. Then there was a pause of a few seconds and then a bang that was not much louder than a shotgun going off.
There was no fire or smoke, but it did blow out what remained of the window and its frame to the apartment of James Holmes, the suspect in Friday's mass shooting at a movie theater.
The Denver Post reports:
The living room of the 800-square-foot apartment is littered with about 30 softball-sized improvised explosive devices, according to a bomb technician at the scene.
Aurora Police Department spokeswoman Cassidee Carlson said in a statement, "The controlled detonation was successful. Still more work to be done in the apartment to include dealing with other devices. There is a possibility of more controlled detonations. We will keep you updated. Streets open now."
On Saturday, law enforcement officials began trying to disarm up to 30 devices in Holmes' booby-trapped apartment, and set off a small explosion to detonate one device.
The devices were "set up to kill that person and that could have been a police officer executing a search warrant," Carlson said. Police planned an intricate procedure to disarm the possible weapons without destroying evidence that could be in the apartment.
"We don't want to lose evidential value," Carlson said.
Local authorities said, "We are confident we have eliminated all major threats at this point."
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KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters) - During some sleepless nights when his stark bedroom walls remind him too much of his old prison cell in Afghanistan, Jan Sher Khan scans Internet dating sites he'd heard about from U.S. soldiers who once guarded him.
The 24-year-old Pakistani never contacts anyone on the dating sites. He doesn't know how he'd tell them he spent more than six years in the U.S. military prison of Bagram after being detained as a 16-year-old and accused of being a suicide bomber.
More than 2,500 juveniles have been detained in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay by the United States since 2001, according to a U.N. report.
Most, like Khan, are now free, but many are struggling to rebuild their shattered lives.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm still in prison," said Khan, who, like all foreign prisoners at Bagram, was never charged with a crime.
"They put me in jail for six years. No proof, nothing. I spent my youth behind bars," he said, adding that he and other young detainees were beaten repeatedly during the first few months of their detention.
A U.S. court found two adult detainees had been beaten to death at Bagram in 2002, using techniques similar to those described by Khan.
The U.S. government said such cases of abuse are rare.
"Although there have been substantiated cases of abuse in the past, for which U.S. service members have been held accountable, our enemies also have employed a deliberate campaign of exaggerations and fabrications," said Lt. Col. Todd Breasseale, a spokesman for the Department of Defense in Washington.
"All credible allegations of abuse are thoroughly investigated, and appropriate disciplinary action is taken when those allegations are substantiated," said Breasseale.
U.S. officials in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Washington, contacted by Reuters, all declined to discuss individual cases of Bagram detainees.
Reuters could not independently verify some aspects of the accounts provided by the detainees interviewed for this story. Journalists are not permitted inside Bagram.
Khan said the abuse he suffered inside Bagram has left him with frequent headaches and mood swings. He said he can no longer concentrate for more than a few minutes.
Khan is seeing a Pakistani army psychologist but his problems and the stigma of being labeled a "terrorist" because of his time in Bagram make it difficult to rebuild his life -- to find a job and eventually a wife.
"All my friends are married. Some have kids. We are not really close any more," said Khan, who wants to marry but fears no woman will have him.
Foreign prisoners at Bagram have no trials, only review boards staffed by U.S. military officers.
Prisoners do not have the right to see classified evidence against them and are represented by a U.S. military officer, not a civilian lawyer. The boards evaluate evidence against them and whether they might pose a future threat to U.S. forces.
The process falls "severely short of fair trial standards," said Sarah Belal from Justice Project Pakistan, which has filed a case in Pakistan on behalf of some of the families.
The U.S. government says detention is necessary to stop released prisoners from returning to the battlefield. Some have done so, it says.
"Detention in wartime has long been recognized as legitimate under international law. Just as we do with prisoners of war in more traditional armed conflicts, we acknowledge that the threat they pose may change over time," said Breasseale.
A case filed in the United States three years ago by the International Justice Network is challenging the U.S. right to hold foreign prisoners captured abroad indefinitely in Bagram.
Khan said he was told for more than two years that the military review boards were willing to let him go but were waiting for a response from the Pakistani government.
The Pakistani government said they always responded promptly to requests from the United States.
Belal is working on a case in Pakistan to force the Pakistani government to do more to bring its citizens home from Bagram.
Khan said he ran away from home as a teenager to escape beatings from his strict military father, who disapproved of his poor grades, his friends and his drinking and smoking.
He said he went to Afghanistan to find a job because he had read about U.S.-funded construction projects there in the news.
But within a week, he said, he was arrested after Afghans made up accusations against him to collect cash for a tip-off.
He said he spent the next six months being beaten by interrogators every few days. Sometimes he was shackled to a chair, other times hung from the ceiling by his ankles.
"Everyone got the treatment. It was just -- is it going to be for one month or for six months?" Khan recalled. "They asked me stupid questions, like 'where is Osama bin Laden?'. I said, 'I'm 16. You think he is going to meet me?'"
Khan was eventually moved from his single cell to the general prison population and the beatings stopped. He was freed last year. A Red Cross spokesman confirmed the organization flew him back to his hometown of Peshawar in Pakistan.
Local Pakistani security services are now frequent callers at his parents' house. Neighbors shun him; no one wants trouble with the intelligence services.
Pakistani Kamil Shah said he was detained in 2004 at the age of 16, shortly after crossing the Afghanistan/Pakistan border with a sick friend needing medical help. He was held for five years in Bagram, without charge, until his release in 2009.
"They said I was a Talib. They said you will be here forever," he said down a crackly phone line from northern Pakistan. Khan confirmed Shah was in Bagram when he was there.
Shah also said he was eventually freed after he learnt enough English to speak directly to his U.S. interrogators and convince them he was telling the truth.
U.S. soldiers also told him several times they were willing to release him but were awaiting a response from Pakistan, he said.
"I was innocent. I lost my education. I lost everything," said Shah, who had three years until his high school graduation when he was detained.
Shah said he was beaten in the first months of detention.
"Clearly in the early days there was ongoing torture at Bagram," said Andrea Prasow, a senior counter terrorism counsel from the New York-based Human Rights Watch. But the situation had improved, she said.
"Since detainees were moved to a new prison by the Obama administration (in late 2009), we haven't heard credible accusations of mistreatment at that level."
Conditions at Bagram are monitored by the International Committee of the Red Cross. But their reports are not public.
"The ICRC ... shares its concern according to international law with the detaining authorities," said Robin Waudo, the organization's Kabul-based spokesman.
U.S. officials say no decision has yet been reached on what will happen to the 50-plus foreign prisoners in Bagram, half of them Pakistani, when the U.S. hands full control of the prison to the Afghan government in September.
Pakistani government court documents lodged in Lahore High Court and dated December 2011 say there are still three juveniles inside Bagram, one aged 15 and two 16.
An adult and the 15-year-old, Mohammad Tayyab, though cleared for release by both the United States and Pakistan, are still being held because they have no exit visas, a Pakistani government official said.
U.S. authorities say they are aware of only one juvenile prisoner, aged 17, and no child prisoners.
Some prisoners, like Hamidullah Khan, were arrested as children and have grown up behind bars.
A photo of a young, dimpled Hamidullah grins down from a wall of a stuffy concrete room in Karachi, Pakistan's largest city. It's the last photo taken before he disappeared on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. He was 14 years old.
Hamidullah vanished in 2008 after his father sent him to collect the family's belongings from their village near the border. On his way home he telephoned from a bus stop, but the next thing his family knew, he was in Bagram.
A Pakistani government memo says he was captured in Khost province in Afghanistan for "attacks on coalition forces" but gives no details.
"Why don't they tell us what he has done?" asked his father Wakeel Khan, a former soldier now barely making a living as a security guard. "If he is guilty, I will kill him myself," he said gruffly, as his other sons silently looked on.
More than 300 children were recruited as fighters in Afghanistan in 2011, according to a U.N. report on children and armed conflict. The youngest was an 8-year-old girl. But Hamidullah's family say he had no interest in the insurgency.
The Red Cross recently set up monthly video calls between Hamidullah and his family. If he mentions conditions in Bagram or his arrest, the lines are cut.
While Hamidullah has been detained, his mother Din Rozen has been fasting from sunrise to sunset, believing her suffering strengthens her prayers for her son to come home before she loses her sight due to cataracts.
"He's my child...Who is taking care of him now?," cried Din Rozen, using her headscarf to dab away tears.
(Editing by Michael Perry)
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Since waking up to this tragic news yesterday, I cannot get James Holmes out of my mind. Holmes is the man who murdered twelve innocent people in the movie theater in Aurora, CO, who were there to watch the premier showing of the new Batman movie, the Dark Knight Rises. Why did he do this? I cannot stop wondering why. So many questions, so many things left unexplained. Holmes does not fit the typical profile for a mass murderer, other than a high level of intelligence ? which is very common among serial killers. It?s the challenge, the game many love. To outsmart and beat the system. However, most serial killers and mass murderers have something in their past which, although may not be enough to raise red flags to the public, indicate some sort of imbalance or traumatic event that forever affects them.
Holmes kept to himself. I have not yet read anything about psyciatric problems. A fellow student commented that Holmes would often play video games in the lab. I would say the majority of students at some time either play video games or hop on a social media site when they are supposed to be working or studying. This only shows a normalty in Holmes, not an abnormalty.
One thing that does bother me greatly is our system here in the states. Our government and military is so hell-bent on terrorism that they could not see the signals that Holmes gave in bright, neon letters. Face the fact, if Holmes had been Muslim or from the middle east, this would have immediately been tagged as terrorism and most likely attributed to the Al Queda. it is that old ?blame game? that our military and government are using to brain wash the US into believing we are being threatened on our own soil by terrorists from other countries. When adding up all the mass shootings which have occurred in the past decade, looks to me like we don?t have a problem with terrorism from outside our borders ? but rather threats from our own population not being able to handle the reality within our own society.
What signs did Holmes give? Well, first of all, buying four guns in the matter of a couple months, especially when he had never owned a gun before. Ding ding!! That is not normal. Then to order an enormous amount of ammunition on line ? enough to outfit a platoon of shooters ? that is another sign. I have remained neutral about gun laws ? primarily because I was raised around hunters. Hunting rifles were normal in our house, but they were always treated with the utmost respect ? locked away unloaded with the key only available to the adults. End of story. They were only brought out for hunting and target practice.
Although I am not entirely opposed to owning firearms (not yet, anyway? my views are changing), it does appear that we have a serious problem with our system as a whole. No one should be able to go and buy this many firearms in a short period of time. Personally, I believe a year between purchases is a healthy time-frame. Additionally, why the need to purchasing and owning assault rifles? No one has any business possessing such a firearm unless they are actively involved in police work or the military. Even then, what would the need be for civilian ownership? If one wants a gun for protection, a hand gun will do the job just fine. One bullet will stop someone ? a hundred is overkill (pardon the pun).
The IP of the DOD visiting Motley News. Click on image to view in full size.
Our Department of Homeland Security has been monitoring our internet, website, and social media for some time now. The Dept. of Defense even came to visit Motley News here three times one day (I ran the IP address when I noticed the three visits ? that?s not normal). Most likely the posting I published and listed several key words the ?watchers? look for is what drew their attention. Many of the watch words had to do with weather, so I simply couldn?t understand how something millions of people talk about online would be a flag to the ?watchers.? Perfectly harmless post and I have not seen them return. I?m sure the determined that I am nothing more than a very vocal activist who believe firmly in women?s rights and equal rights for all. And most definitely, anti-war and anti-violence. Click HERE to see a screen shot of the IP address check of the IP in the image to the right.
If this site drew the attention of the DOD simply because of the watch words, then why did Holmes sudden gun purchasing and mass amounts of ammo purchased online not draw the attention of the DOD? He would have had to do many searches to find exactly what he needed. Our searches are definitely watched as well. I have to wonder, again, if Holmes had a Muslim name, if he would have then been noticed.
I am horrified by this massacre ? yet I find myself completely intrigued with what was going on in James Holmes?s mind. I, myself, have an IQ in the genius range. In fact, according to the Mensa Society ? of which I am a member ? my IQ actually falls into the top 1% of the world. But I can never, ever imagine harming another person on any level or for any reason. Hell, I have a hard enough time squashing a stray cockroach that wanders in the house from outside. So in trying to imagine what Holmes was thinking and his reasoning is completely fascinating yet foreign to me. I want to know what made this man tick, and why he planned and executed such a massacre on innocent people. I can never imagine ever pointing a gun at anyone or any animal and pulling the trigger. I can?t. I will never completely understand because I cannot comprehend killing people. I just want to know what his thoughts were and are. He is like a human puzzle to me.
The police have now determined that the front door was rigged as a booby trap. Whoever opened it would have met an explosive surprise. It is obvious that the loud techno music was to draw sometime to hopefully open his door to ask him to turn down the volume. A few neighbors thought about it, but did nothing more than knock on the door. Similar to Anders, of the Oslo Norway Massacre one year ago on July 22nd, an explosion just prior to the primary assault would draw the police and emergency people to his apartment thus giving him more time to execute the innocent in the cinema.
So then, why did he tell the police that his apartment was booby-trapped? Is this a cat-and-mouse game? Is Holmes entertaining himself by watching the police and bomb squads sweating as they try to disable the explosives in his apartment? A superiority complex shows through at this point. Holmes appears to believe himself as above and superior to others. Does he have disdain for those not at his ?level? of intelligence? Why the violence if so? My IQ is far above normal, yet I find everyone to be extremely intelligent in their own way. Each man and woman offers a uniqueness that no one else has ? it is called personality. Although many people are not as educated as others, this has nothing to do with their intelligence. Everyone has a gifted niche in their mind, and finding that in people is a wonderful thing.
How did Holmes afford to purchase all the guns, ammo and ballistic, protective gear he wore? I have seen estimates from anywhere between $10,000 to $20,000 for all that he bought. I am not sure that is including the items and explosives within his apartment. Regardless, this is a lot of money for a grad student on a budget. Is there another party involved that supplied him with the money? If so, then why would he agree to be the patsy and take the fall? Or did he expect to be able to get away? If his apartment had exploded prior to his shooting, then the chances would have been greater of him getting away. He most definitely would have had to go into hiding.
One thing that is really puzzling is why did he go through the steps of withdrawing from grad school? Obviously once he executed his plan, he would not be returning to school. So why take the time and bother to complete those steps?
So many question and no answers. Only speculation. If Holmes is talking now to the authorities, they are not sharing the information. Will Holmes ever explain thoroughly what his thinking was?
So many ?why?s??. My heart goes out to the families of those who were killed, as well as those who survived. The mental anguish will forever haunt them.
I just don?t understand violence.
Related articles:
Natural News: Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged
The Town Talk: Bomb squad disarms trip wire to first booby trap in suspect?s apartment
Time: Who Is James Holmes, the Aurora Shooting Suspect?
The Town Talk: Colorado killer studied ?how we all behave?
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Even highly-skilled and experienced workers are struggling to find steady work, much less develop their career. Running an Internet business can help you achieve financial independence. Apply the tips in this article, and you?ll be well on your way to doing this. By using the information provided, you can develop a profitable web business.
Keep your articles brief and no more than 500 words, but make them interesting. Most online users have short attention spans. Get to the point quickly or you will lose them. Explanations and details can be added in the body of the article, but the sale is made in the first few lines.
TIP! Make your privacy settings public if you?re creating a facebook page. People should be able to share your content easily.
There are many article directories that you can use to your advantage. Find the best article directory, and submit your original article to it. Next, rewrite your article from a slightly different view point and submit it to different directories. Doing this will ensure that all of your articles are unique, and will also perform well in the search engines.
A lot of websites will pay you a commission based on the number of times your article is viewed. The money you get from your articles does not have to be a one-time deal. You can continuously make money. You may be surprised how much you earn from your articles.
Do not submit an article to a directory without carefully editing it first. Your article will be rejected automatically if there are spelling, typographical or grammatical errors in it. Use software, and then have someone you trust check your content since spell checkers will not pick up incorrect words. )
TIP! If a customer knows that the product you offer works for someone else, this can go a long way in making their decision to purchase from you. The easiest way to provide this info to your customers is through the use of testimonials posted to your site.
Backlinks are an important part of article marketing. The best ways to get backlinks are to offer content that other websites feel confident in linking to. Utilizing spun articles is not a smart idea. However, people will not want to link to them if they aren?t of value. As a result, you will have to perform link building by yourself. If you create relevant, well-written content, you will be more likely to attract the attention ? and web space ? of respected, popular webmasters.
There are no hidden magical answers in article marketing, and you should be wary of anyone who promises secrets that no one else knows. You can find out everything you need to know about article marketing through finding out about business. Article marketing is simply a type of marketing that focuses on posting niche-related content.
TIP! Controversial headlines and content will always generate a lot of buzz. Watch any TV news show, and you?ll quickly realize that they lead every newscast with a controversial story.
Consider writing articles that will be informative to your audience. Solid articles that relate to your niche can help you build credibility and demonstrate your expertise, both of which are attractive to potential customers. Articles add to your website by providing it with unique and original content. When you have creative and unique articles on your website, your chances improve on ranking higher on search engine results.
There is a revolving door of online businesses. Only the ones that are very solid survive for the long-run. In order to be one of those survivors, apply the tips given here to make your marketing effective. If you can follow this sound advice and stick to a solid plan, you can most definitely become a success in marketing
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